1. Purpose and Scope
This statement relates to spikr Ltd and is hereafter known as spikr.
The purpose of the statement is to communicate spikr’s commitment to The Modern Slavery Act 2015.
2. Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
2.1 Introduction
spikr is dedicated to ensuring that everything we do is ethical and lawful, and that we work in a socially- and environmentally-sustainable way. spikr has a zero-tolerance approach to both modern slavery and human trafficking whilst providing services to our customers and within our supply chain.
2.2 spikr and our supply chain
spikr predominantly sells consultative marketing and data services to businesses. In order to deliver this, spikr purchases equipment, software and services from a wide range of suppliers. Many of these are provided by UK-based companies, in addition to global companies.
To ensure our suppliers and contractors comply with our values, we have in place a Supplier Code of Conduct which must be adhered to. The obligations placed on suppliers and contractors include compliance with the following legislation:
- Child Labour
- Forced Labour
- Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining
- Compensation and Working Hours
- Discrimination
- Business Continuity Planning
- Improper Payments and Bribery
- Environmental
2.3 The control process
To ensure spikr’s compliance, prior to any member of staff commencing employment (either on a temporary or permanent basis) relevant checks are undertaken to ensure the individual has the legal right to work within the UK. spikr’s ongoing compliance includes highlighting where appropriate and ensuring recognition of any contravention of law relating to modern slavery is dealt with appropriately and efficiently.
spikr audits its own internal processes as a part of its wider compliance management obligations.
Any issues identified which contravene modern slavery legislation are dealt with promptly and any corrective and/or preventative measures are put into place as necessary.